這份未知出處的PDF解釋清晰 05221CA05.indd (ntct.edu.tw) RPM是硬碟每分鐘轉速 以下包含介面卡、旋轉鈕、影印機、光碟機 、數據機,多媒體(輸入媒體、輸出媒體,解釋金融卡是輸出設備) 點下列網址 資訊科技教學網站 - 電腦週邊裝置 (google.com) (一)資料傳輸方式-依序列與並列劃分: (hcc.edu.tw) 中央處理器 1.中央處理也可以使用GHz表示速度(時脈頻率) 赫茲 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 (wikipedia.org) 2.較需注意的是微處理器(microprocessor)與中央處理器(CPU)間的關係 ,微處理器包括中央處理器,並且接收源自網路卡、記憶體等等的信號。如以下連結 Difference between microprocessor and CPU (in-stat.com) 摘要 " The CPU or central processing unit is basically a chip that plays the role of the brain of a computer. A microprocessor, on the other hand, is the circuitry which surrounds the CPU. Here, it must be noted that the microprocessor’s role in the functioning of a computer is much more than that of the CPU. It includes a series of other processing units such as graphics processing unit or GPU. Network cards and sound cards are also incorporated into the microprocessor. So, in short, it can be said that CPU is a major part of the microprocessor, but the microprocessor plays a much bigger role compared to the ...